Please read the Terms and Conditions below to confirm your booking for a placenta encapsulation with The Placenta Connection.
Terms and Conditions
- The Placenta Connection provides placenta services including placenta encapsulation, placenta tincture, placenta oil and the arrangement of homeopathic placenta remedies.
- Ellen has been trained by PRiSM placenta training services and recertifies annually
- The Placenta Connection is fully insured with BGi UK.
- Placenta encapsulation itself is experimental in nature and whilst the benefits of consuming the placenta post-birth are based on research studies, articles and testimonials from new mothers this research is ongoing and The Placenta Connection does not give any warranty or representation that these benefits are guaranteed.
- Some hospitals require a collection fee which will be confirmed at the time of booking
- Clients who choose to utilise these services take full responsibility of their own health and for researching and using the remedies provided in this service.
- The Client agrees that The Placenta Connection are not liable and do not take responsibility for any results or effects the Client may experience before, during or after consuming the placenta unless resulting directly from the negligence.
- The Placenta Connection recommends placenta capsules are for the Client’s own use only.
- The Placenta Connection will not perform placenta encapsulations for Clients who have ever tested positive for HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and/or CJD and who test positive for COVID 19 whilst birthing their baby.
- All methods of decontamination and disinfection of equipment used by The Placenta Connection are practiced to UK Government guidelines and regulations. .
- At The Placenta Connection we aim to prepare the placenta within 24 hours after the birth. However we will not be held accountable should circumstance arise where the placenta encapsulation cannot be completed until an agreed date and time. Guidance on storage and what to expect can be found in your information pack (for example if the placenta has to be taken home due to COVID restrictions)
- The Placenta Connection does not take responsibility for damaged or lost placentas before the placenta comes into our care.
- The Client agrees to store their placenta in accordance with the guidelines sent out with the chill pack. THIS IS IMPERATIVE TO THE SAFE PREPARATION OF REMEDIES
- The Client agrees to contact her placenta specialist within 12 hours after birth to arrange safe collection of their placenta.
- The Client consents to the removal of the placenta from the hospital (or home) by the Specialist to the extent necessary for the performance by the Specialist of the placenta services.
- Homeopathic remedies may be re-ordered via the Caroline Spear, who will keep a 1c copy of the Client’s original sample for a period of 5 years.
- The Client consents to the safe disposal of the original placenta sample used for their tincture, and homeopathic remedies unless the Client indicates in advance on the booking form that they would like the sample returned.
- I confirm that I give consent to be contacted by my The Placenta Connection after receiving my capsules, so they can check that I am happy with the service and to answer any questions that I may have regarding the products provided. (GDPR Compliant)
- I confirm that I am happy to be contacted to complete a short questionnaire 6 weeks after I have received my products. (GDPR Compliant)
Full payment by bank transfer is due before or upon collection of the placenta.
By signing below you agree that all the information you have given is correct and to the best of your knowledge. You also agree to the Terms and Conditions above and you have thoroughly read and will follow all the guidelines within our information pack (hard copy or electronic version) regarding the safe storage of your placenta.