What types of encapsulation are available?

We have two types of encapsulation:

Simple – the placenta is prepared and dehydrated from raw, evidence shows that more nutrients are retained this way and mothers have reported higher energy levels

Steamed – the placenta is steamed before it is dehydrated.  This method usually yields slightly less capsules, and mums report a feeling of calm and balance

Can I have my placenta encapsulated if I am having a water birth or c-section?

Yes of course.  With a water birth the placenta must be delivered “onto dry land” (towel or inco pad) to prevent cross contamination in the water.

Encapsulation after a C section is exactly the same as after a vaginal delivery.

Can I have my placenta encapsulated if I am taking medication?

The majority of medications that are safe to take in pregnancy pose no problems for placenta encapsulation – we ask that you discuss this with your heath care practitioner (midwife or doctor) before going ahead.

Will the hospital let me keep my placenta?

Your placenta is legally your property, and so you are entitled to keep it for encapsulation.  There are a few very rare reasons the hospital may not release the placenta – for example if there is a placental infection and it has to be sent for testing.

What happens after I have booked in?

When you have booked in and paid your deposit for placenta encapsulation and remedies, we will deliver a chiller pack to you at approx 37 weeks pregnant.  This chiller pack will contain all the instructions for safe storage of your placenta until we collect.  We ask that you contact us when you go into labour (at any time) and the again as soon as you can after you have given birth – once again at any time of the day or night.  We aim to collect within 12 hours (invariably it will be quicker) and have your capsules ready for you within 48 hours. Some hospitals require the attendance of a Human Tissue Authority Licensed courier.

Any other questions about placenta encapsulation?

Please feel free to email me ellen@theplacentaconnection.co.uk